The Oceanogràfic Foundation releases 20 sea turtles from the Castellón nest

The Oceanogràfic Foundation released 20 loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) this afternoon on El Serradal beach in Castelló, which, coming from the nest discovered in the area in July 2019, have followed the “head starting” growth and development program in the Oceanogràfic facilities and the Seville Aquarium. Four of the turtles, which received the names of […]

The Colomera tortoise returns from Greece by the same route

After thousands of kilometers and several months on the coasts of Greece, the turtle released in Oropesa has returned to the Sicilian channel. The spectacular 100-kilo turtle, which the Oceanogràfic Foundation and the Azul Marino Foundation returned to the sea in June last year, arrived in just over two months on the shores of Greece […]